~Author Unknown
Valentine's Day celebrates the special love between couples. But everyday can be a Valentine's day of sorts celebrating the many loves in our lives. When your life is filled with love it is buoyant and alive.
Hug a friend. Express your inner joy. Even if you do not feel joyful, a hug can bring you joy and transform your day. Let go of inhibitions and judgments by hugging someone you are uncomfortable with. See how that feels.
Life is not meant to be lived safely. We have to go out on that proverbial limb not knowing what will happen. If our intention is good the outcome often follows our intention. Give love freely without attachments. If you truly love yourself, you can survive any hurt from others.
True love goes deeper than passion and romance. It is not just about feeling jittery and excited to see someone. It is more about feeling connected and getting to know that person with their gifts and their faults. We crave love and instinctively want to love. Resisting those natural impulses brings pain into our lives.
Even the pain from loving is valuable. It is part of being alive. There will always be the pulse between opposites bringing joy and sorrow in our lives.
Love is not just about people loving people. It includes loving the natural world around you. Appreciate the strength of the trees, the song of the birds, the playfulness of dogs, the power of the ocean, the brightness of the stars. Be filled with wonder for life in its diversity, complexity and simplicity.
Yoga can be practiced with love. Just being fully mindful of our breath connects us with the bigger power that is breathing us. What could be more loving than giving the gift of life. Don't take this gift for granted. Be curious and really feel each pose physically, emotionally and spiritually. Feel how connecting with the pose brings you to a deep sense of yourself and being supported and connected to a bigger power.
"Love is all there is." This famous quote from the Beatles rings true in its simplicity. If we hide from love for fear of pain, then we miss out on the essence of life. We must love ourselves first and we must learn to forgive ourselves again and again and again. Give yourself a hug, squeeze the day and be open to the multi-faceted experiences that love will bring into your life.
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