Susan Sontag
Balance occurs when opposites come together in harmony. Yin and yang, darkness and light, hot and cold all balance each other. When we are out of balance life feels difficult, but it flows with ease when we are in balance.
Perfect balance is not a lasting condition. It comes and goes. Effort and awareness are needed to find balance, but when we find it there is a sense of timelessness as if we are suspended in space. There is an equilibrium that is self-sustainable for an instant or longer but eventually we come out of that state and the process of coming into balance begins again.
Finding balance is not the same for everyone. For example, some people spend too much time working, so they need to relax more to come into balance. Others spend too much time playing or daydreaming and they need to be more disciplined and focused to come into balance.
Yoga helps us bring awareness to our state of balance or imbalance. The poses bring our bodies into positions that are not part of our daily lives. There are many types of balance in yoga. Physically we need to find the balance between contracting and lengthening our muscles. Some muscles need stronger engagement while other muscles need to relax. Our mind and body need to be in balance so we do not over think the poses or carelessly practice. The way we align our bodies makes balance easier or more difficult. Ultimately it is the balance between our individual efforts and surrender that brings us to the core of yoga - inner peace. The physical poses are really just a vehicle for the journey.
While achieving balance may be a goal, unbalance is just as important. We learn from being out of balance and testing the edges. We have to find what is too much, to know which direction to move toward. Balance happens when trying ceases. We are in the moment and the moment is perfect.
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